An art marketplace for artists and buyers.
The goal was to boost the online presence to drive engagement and market share for artists through an art platform where people can buy, sell and connect with potential clients.
Gain new followers through social media which will encourage people to buy art online more regularly.
My Role
Research, Wireframing, Prototyping, Visual Identity, SEO, and Content Marketing.
The first step was creating user interviews. Creating the interviews helped me understand what the users needed, it turned out to be a very interesting process. We wanted to gain more in-depth insight into users’ behaviors, motives, and preferences when buying and selling art.
We used the competitive analysis to understand what features our direct and indirect competitors were using and to gain inspiration that would inform the design later on.
We made a list of possible features and then compared them with three different websites (two direct and one indirect website). They were 1st DIBS, Cidade Jardim, Artsy, and WallPaperStore. Then I finally identified the following features as a must for users as they were widely used: Search, Cart, User Account, Discovery Page, and Payment Options.
Research Findings
During the research, we came to find out that artists would love to sell their art on the platform as long as the price is right and they are assured of sales by the platform. They also stated that the marketing strategy of the platform was going to be a major factor if they were to decide to join the platform.


Visual Identity


The Marketplace - Social Media Engagement
Compared to 2020, the social media strategy led to 216% more impressions and 374% more clicks and engagements and increased the click rate on social media by almost 50%.
The first thing we did to drive results on social media was to create profiles on all the popular platforms with art enthusiasts, including Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.
We posted a variety of engaging content regularly on all of their profiles. In addition, we kept the attention of their social media followers' attention by publishing various content, including videos.
We used the right hashtags on social posts to get them in front of more art lovers and customers.
We made it a point to keep the conversation going and engage with the customers by responding to comments.
We built a presence on more niche social media platforms, including TikTok. We also created a shop on Pinterest.
Finally, we complemented the social media management strategy by boosting posts and launching ad campaigns.

Social media can be a potent marketing tool for businesses of all sizes, but it’s not enough to have a presence. Building an active, engaging company would be best by consistently posting social content, responding to comments, and linking to your products and website.